Laura Pannack: documentary photographer
This Rave Late video features Documentary and Editorial Photographer Laura Pannack talking about her experiences working on both commissions and personal projects.
It's interesting to hear about how she instigates projects, preferring to concentrate on subjects she feels passionate about rather than those which may be more obviously commercial.
Saul Leiter: The Art of Photography
I finally got around to watching Tomas Leach's documentary about Saul Leiter I mentioned last week. He's such an inspiring photographer, I love his use of minimalist composition and those amazing flashes of colour.
Which way is the frontline from here? - The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington
Which way is the frontline from here?, is a film by journalist Sebastian Junger about his RESTREPO co-director British photojournalist and filmmaker Tim Hetherington.
Hetherington was sadly killed in Libya in 2011. I, unfortunately, only became aware of Tim's work following his death.
Jim Mortram: Documentary photographer
Good documentary photography is a mixed blessing. Yes, it enlightens, it inspires, but for much of the time, it shows the vast majority of us how lucky we are and what tough lives some of us live. This is particularly true for the work of Jim Mortram.