Nigel Rumsey Nigel Rumsey

Criminal podcast: It looked like fire

If you're interested in photography it's likely you know this photograph. What you may not know is the story of the people behind it; Edward Crawford, who's throwing the tear gas canister and Robert Cohen, the photographer. The story is told in a recent episode of the excellent Criminal Podcast.

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How-to Nigel Rumsey How-to Nigel Rumsey

Smartphone Audio Recording – Part 3: Setup

So now you have your smartphone, microphone, recording app, some earbuds and you're ready to make amazing audio - how do you do that? The first thing to say is the scope of this post is dealing with the recording technique, not interview technique I've a lot to learn in that area.

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How-to Nigel Rumsey How-to Nigel Rumsey

Smartphone Audio - Part 1: Getting Started

I've talked before about how listening to documentary radio as inspired my photography and inspired me to look at other methods of digital storytelling. In this post I recommended several podcasts that should do the trick for you.

Once you've got all this pent-up inspiration it's time to get out and actually do something about it.

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